27 February 2007

Greenpeace Film on Decentralised Energy

A new short film, ‘What are we waiting for?’, has been released by Greenpeace.

It was made by BAFTA award winning Memory Box Films and takes the viewer on a tour of some of the world’s decentralised energy projects, in countries such as Denmark where over 50% of electricity supplies are from decen, and The Netherlands where the figure is 40%.

A recent report commissioned by Greenpeace compared two future scenarios for the UK over the next 20 years, one with the UK taking a decen energy path and one with the UK ramping up nuclear power. The findings show that:

* carbon emissions would be 17% lower under a decen scenario;
* decentralised energy could reduce UK gas consumption by 14%;
* overall capital costs of decen would be £1billion less than the nuclear scenario.

Greenpeace will send a free copy to anyone interested.

I've also found it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klooRS-Jjyo.

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