26 August 2007

Organic Cotton In Coventry

The Soil Association has a report out later this week that states annual spending on organically produced food, cosmetics and clothes has reached £2bn.

What's interesting is the growth in organic cotton sales.

You can find organic cotton products here in Coventry (tissues, toilet roll, clothing). That being said, if you're buying fairtrade cotton that isn't organic cotton, you're giving farmers a sustainable wage, but leaving them to keeping dealing with some of the most toxic pesticides on Earth.

Concern about the use of pesticides in the growth of cotton, and their effect on the health of farmers in developing countries, has prompted ethical shoppers to turn to clothes and bedding made from organic cotton. Even organic leather jackets and sheepskin rugs are now on the market.

The value of the organic cotton market in Britain is predicted to surge by 50 per cent this year to £60m. High-street chain New Look has launched three organic clothing collections this year and a third of its cotton jersey ranges will be made from organic cotton by next spring. Topshop gives space to People Tree, a leading organic fashion brand.

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