20 November 2008

Googlebombing E.ON

I've received a blog comment from Calvin Jones (he also has an email newsletter you can subscribe to) about the move to redirect Google searches for E.ON to www.nonewcoal.org.uk/.

The idea is that everytime you mention E.ON, you link to the nonewcoal website. Gradually, if dozens of sites do this, when people Google "E.ON" or "eon", then nonewcoal gets a higher and higher rating. It's now in the top 10 (#6 as of today).

Coal is the most polluting way of generating electricity. Every new Kingsnorth power station (E.ON) will produce the same amount of CO2 as Ghana.

Why should we keep, let alone expand, the world's use of coal? We need to boost renewable energy instead of continuing to use dirty coal.

- You can write to E.ON through Oxfam's website.
- You can write to your MP and ask them their position on coal and E.ON

"Kingsnorth is a terrible idea. One power plant with a lifetime of several decades will destroy the efforts of millions of citizens to reduce their emissions" - James Hansen, head of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies

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