There's good news and bad news.The good news- 13 of us gathered at my place (a good mix of party members and folks helping out) for a briefing and get-to-know-each-other chat (Bryn entertained everyone with stories of accidental property damage whilst leafleting)
- We then went in convoy to the vote count (car sharing is the new black), met up with three others, and went to our respective tables to observe the count
- Emma received 8.5% in Wainbody (with roughly 33% of the vote at the polling station in Ramphal building at the University of Warwick)
- I managed 13.4% in Earlsdon (with 24% at the polling station at Gilbert Richards Centre and 20% at the station at Earlsdon Methodist Church Hall)
- other wards (Bablake, Longford) where we achieved over 5% without having a leaflet
The not-so-good-news- It was gutting to finish just behind the BNP in Cheylesmore, despite our ward-wide A5 leaflet.
- We managed just over 800 votes in Earlsdon last year, so we're down 150. In our two strongest polling stations, we were down as well. The Lib Dems didn't have a leaflet, yet managed over 400 votes. I was optimistic, as we had canvassed areas of the ward we didn't last year. Our leaflet was an A4, rather than A5, and it had lots of content on it. It's very possible that people took a punt on us, and now that they're more informed on where we stand, our vote is slightly down. That's a good thing, as now we have a better sense of what, and where, our "core" vote is.
- Elsewhere, the Socialists lost St Michael's, and Respect received 3.5% in Foleshill.
- The BNP received 10% or better in Binley and Willenhall, Henley, Holbrook, Lower Stoke, Radford, Westwood, Woodlands and Wyken.
Bablake (37.7% turnout)
Grimalda Gianluca, Green, 249 (5.6%)
Kelsey Brian, Conservative, 2126
Mutton Mal, Labour, 1147
Simpson Peter, Liberal Democrat, 510
Stone Michele Jean, BNP, 401
Binley and Willenhall (32.4% turnout)
Beech Denise, Conservative, 1010
Clarke David, BNP, 561
Lakha Ram, Labour, 1733
Sewards Geoffrey Brian, Liberal Democrat 306
Wattebot Cathy, Green, 126 (3.4%)
Cheylesmore (36.4% turnout)
Foster Kevin John, Conservative, 1803
Hughes Zoe Gale, BNP, 350
Jackson Jean, Labour, 1342
Kenny Terence, Liberal Democrat 423
Tittle Bryn, Green, 325 (7.7%)
Earlsdon (41.96% turnout)
Felvus-McCarron Joanne, BNP, 189
McKee Vincent John, Liberal Democrat, 427
Redding Scott Gordon, Green, 652 (13.4%)
Taylor Ken, Conservative, 2364
Youett Christopher Nicholas, Labour, 1241
Foleshill (44.47% turnout)
Asif Mohammed, Conservative, 1359
Johnston-Wilder Susan Jane, Liberal Democrat, 155
Jones, Thomas Paul, BNP, 105
Khan Abdul Salam, Labour, 2577
McKenna Caron, Respect, 156
Murdoch Andrew, Indepedent, 17
Walker Penny, Green, 92 (2.1%)
Longford (29.23% turnout)
Bigham, Linda Joyce, Labour, 2073
Grana Natalia, Green, 213 (5.8%)
Stone Val, Conservative, 1079
Wagstaff Leisel Dawn, BNP, 286
Radford (27.64% turnout)
Anderson Dave, Independent, 132
Finnan, Daniel Joseph, Green, 144 (4.4%)
Johnson-Wilder Peter Jonathon, Liberal Democrat, 282
Skipper Tony, Labour, 1663
Whitehouse Tracey, BNP, 359
Williams Jane Marie, Conservative, 670
Wainbody (35.3% turnout )
Biermann Emma, Green, 358 (8.5%)
Ijoma Joe, Labour, 981
Penlington Napier, Liberal Democrat, 524
Sawdon Tim, Conservative, 2324