21 December 2008

Labour, Bailiffs And Emergency Loans

Labour is considering offering workers who lose their jobs during the recession guaranteed work or a retraining place within six months. This would go hand-in-hand with the proposed mortgage holiday for those facing house repossession, deferring mortgage payments for up to 2 years if workers lose their jobs.

It sounds good, but ...

- Labour wants to remove centuries-old restrictions on bailiffs. If you have unpaid credit cards or loans, and the bailiffs see you move a curtain to peer out, or if they hear a radio, they'll have the right to force their way in, and the right to restrain or pin you down.

- Youth who don't go to university are facing an even tougher time than ever.

- When demand for emergency loans from government is up, Labour wants to shift these loans to credit unions. Instead of being interest-free, they'll be anywhere from 12.6% to 26.8%.

Labour simply isn't doing enough.

1 comment:

Jade said...

Apppreciate this blog post