30 April 2008

Campaign Update -- 30th April 2008

- I was part of an on-air election Q&A on BBC Coventry last night. The Tories, Lib Dems and Labour were included for the entire programme (from 6pm to 7pm), whilst ourselves and the Socialists received 5 minutes each, and the BNP did a 2 minute pre-taped statement. I was on air from 645pm to 650pm, and the "three main parties" hadn't mentioned the environment in the first 45 minutes! So, I used my time to talk about reducing and reusing waste, rather than just recycling, and to also talk about peak oil, and what we need to urgently do locally in Coventry to prepare for far higher energy prices.

- We were canvassing Styvechale Avenue and Earlsdon Ave South last night, with Albany, Winifred, Clarendon, Warwick St, and Poplar covered the previous evening.

- We have about 30 people who are able to come to the election count tomorrow night. Voting will end at 10pm, and polling boxes will be sealed, and the postal sorting facility sweeped, and then the count will begin at "The Elephant" gymnasium at the Pool Meadow baths after 1030pm. The shtick is to have 3-4 people per table, leaning over, observing the count, and counting how many Green votes are put into bundles of 25. So, that bundle has 3, that bundle has 12, that bundle has 7, etc. For each polling station, in each ward, we can then estimate where we are strong, where we're weak, and therefore where we can concentrate on for the next two years until the 2010 election.


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