09 January 2008

The Big Green Challenge

Applications can now be submitted for "The Big Green Challenge."

It is being run by NESTA (the National Endowment for Science, Technology and Arts), and it is open to community groups and charities who can come up with a way of reducing carbon emissions by 60 per cent or more.

Applications must be in by the 29th February, and it's only open to not-for profit groups. 100 groups will be then asked for more detailed plans, then judges will decide on 10 finalists.

The finalists will receive £20 000 to put their ideas into practice from Oct 2008 to Oct 2009. Nov 2009 will see the majority of the £1 million prize fund go to an overall winner. The remaining prize money will distributed to runners-up at the discretion of the judges.

If you enter, you'll also get support and advice from "Green Angels" -- the founders of Ecotricity and Good Energy, and that Dick Strawbridge fellow off "It's Not Easy Being Green."


luis said...

Great blog!

If the economics don't work, recycling efforts won't either.
Http://LivePaths.com blogs about innovative entrepreneurs that make money selling recycled items, provide green services or
help us reduce our dependency on non renewable resources. These includes some very cool Green online ventures, great new
technologies, startups and investments opportunities.

Joe said...

We ought to apply for a project in Cov. The only problem is identifying something which would save 60% of carbon.

Other than setting up a commune on a farm, I'm at a bit of a loss to know what that would be.